Since 2017, Greenline Africa Trust has been the Victoria Falls Marathon’s Green Partner, working together on how to support and Green the event. The first project was focused on waste management and started off with youth from the city cleaning up the marathon route prior, during and after the event. The following years saw the project separating and sorting the waste that was collected with the majority of it going to the Victoria Falls Recycling, another project that was supported by the marathon.

The Victoria Falls Recycling project has continued to develop and a youth group were trained and are upcycling producing products such as wine and drinking glasses, chandeliers, wind chimes and more. This is a sustainable project supporting youth, our environment and our city.

Proper waste management is essential for the City of Victoria Falls as it not only keeps our City clean, increases the lifespan of our landfill site but also contributes to the mitigation of climate change. We are all seeing the effects of climate change and the devastating effects on our ecosystems, flora, fauna and humans.

Recycling and zero waste habits take time, but every individual action matters. Since waste is an inevitable bi-product of humans, it is important to start making changes, so waste management becomes an everyday way of life. Start with avoiding single-use items and instead choose durable materials that can be reused many times, ensuring less waste ends up at the landfill. Separating, composting and recycling Waste reduces up to 2/3rds of our waste going to the landfill site.

Another project supported by the Victoria Falls Marathon was the erection of an electrified Elefence in 2017 around the dumpsite. Elephants were dying from eating the waste off the dumpsite and something had to be done.

Added support will be given this year to the Lantana Camara Removal project. This is a project carried out by National Parks with support from Greenline Africa and the Victoria Falls Community. Lantana Camara is an alien invasive species which if not removed will take over large areas of the Victoria Falls Rainforest and its surrounds.

Greenline Africa is working closely with the City Council of Victoria Falls towards the City being recognized as a Green Destination.

The Victoria Falls Marathon is a unique experience where runners not only see the Victoria Falls from the bridge but also run through the National Park where wild animals roam.

Get involved and together we can achieve Victoria Falls becoming a Green Destination. Facebook page: Greenline Africa Trust.


A Campaign to Make a Difference for the Fighters on the Frontlines for Conservation in Africa.  Wildlife rangers have a hard life, in some of the most challenging and unforgiving environments on Earth. They do not seek glory and they do not look for any reward, other than the satisfaction of knowing that they have helped preserve Africa’s fauna and flora for future generations. The rangers are, quite literally, the frontline troops in the battle to stem the increasingly vicious tide of poaching by well-armed, well-financed and well-organised poaching gangs. 

These, often unsung heroes of conservation deserve greater recognition and respect for their tireless efforts in protecting the wildlife for our children’s children to see and wonder at over the decades and centuries to come. 

To that end, the Zambesia Conservation Alliance (ZCA) in partnership with the Commonwealth Conservation Network (CCN) initiative of the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra is establishing a fund in order to recognise, in a practical way, these frontline heroes of conservation. 

Known as the Ranger Alert Campaign and focusing initially on the Zambesia region of Southern Africa, the mission is two-fold in its utilisation of the funds raised: 

To contribute financially towards annual life insurance cover for the rangers in the field – the vast majority of whom do not benefit from such a safety net. This will give rangers and their families peace of mind in the unfortunate event of becoming incapacitated in the line of duty, or if they make the ultimate sacrifice in defence of our wildlife. 

To provide a memorial at the entrance to National Parks and other protected game management areas in the Zambesia region, in remembrance of those rangers who have laid down their lives. Alongside this an education programme will be run, aimed at both the international community and the local communities that live side by side with wild animals, in an effort to show the rangers in their true light, the genuine heroes of wildlife conservation. 

The Ranger Alert Campaign is designed to sensitise the world to the magnificent work being carried out by these heroes, while at the same time raising the money needed to protect the rangers in times of need. 

The ZCA and the CCN urge everyone who can to back the Ranger Alert Campaign – either financially or through spreading the message. 

For further information on Zambesia please visit: https://www.zambesia.com/ 

For more about the Ranger Alert Campaign, and how you can help, please email: info@zambesia.com.