Race Information.
Victoria Falls Marathon official registered IAAF and AIMS marathon.
We implemented a new electronic time keeping system in 2016 to assist with instant results via the website.
- There will be two (2) disposable timing chips on the back of your race number
- These chips will be covered with foam strips to prevent water and body fluids from damaging the
chip - Please do not remove these strips if one does NO TIME will be recorded
- The race number must be placed on the front of your vest
- Please do not fold or crumple the race number
- To view your finish time and picture go to www.vicfallsmarathon.com
- For any race queries e mail timing@topevents.co.za
There will be a roaming ambulance – if you are having difficulty STOP AND LET A FELLOW RUNNER ADVISE AN ORGANIZER WHERE YOU ARE THEY WILL LET US KNOW, and you will be collected off the route. There also is a sweep-vehicle at the end.
You also have telephone numbers printed on your race numbers that you can phone in case of an Emergency – MARS (Medical Air Rescue Service) will respond accordingly to your call.
This race will be televised on Kwese Sport. The film crew will be on bikes – so smile, and wave!!
Please keep an eye on our Facebook Page and our website to find out the broadcast details, scheduled slots and times.
AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHS will be taken along the route. We may not manage to get all of you, and cannot promise top quality! All photos will be posted on the website and there is no charge to download. Hi-res will also be available.
Victoria Falls Primary School
There will be a number of stands and people selling food and drinks at the stadium, plus entertainment.
NO VEHICLES other than organisers’ will be allowed into the stadium. Similarly access at certain entrances will be restricted to athletes only.
Travel Packages
A deposit per participant is required with booking. We reserve the right to cancel any entrant if payments are not received on time as laid out in the “Pricing Schedule”.
A detailed deposit and payment schedule is laid out in the “Pricing Schedule”.
Guests booking a full travel package will automatically have their entry fee if they book with the official booking agent Wild Frontiers.
If you are in doubt, please email reservations@wildfrontiers.com and we will verify
No mobile seconding of any description will be allowed on the route. Runners are allowed seconding within a distance of 100 meters either side of the official refreshment stations.
Aid stations will be withdrawing from the route after a relative time calculated on the cut-off.
OPEN – Full Marathon 21 yrs and older, male and female
OPEN – Half Marathon 18 yrs and older male and female
CORPORATE SPONSORS’ TEAMS – will be included in general results as well as on a separate result sheet.
FUN RUN – No official results will be produced, ages 10 years and upwards if unaccompanied by an adult. Any age with adult supervision.
Whilst categories may be noted on the results there may not necessarily be any recognition or prizes on race day for categories indicated above.
IAAF rules will govern this event.
Tog bag facility will be provided, if you plan to use this, please allow ample time and bring your bag to the START area, where a car and a trailer will take it from you and then they will transport it to the school [FINISH] for you to collect on completion of your respective race. Do not leave valuables in your bag. Carry some money with you for purchasing of food and drinks at the Finish area .
There will be music at the finish, and sometimes live entertainment will be provided. There is an hospitality tent, with shade and food available. A number of stalls and stands at the finish will sell food, drinks etc.
Full amount will be forfeited for the race entry and/or hospitality tent.
Tour Package and Travel arrangements policy is per Wild Frontiers terms and conditions
While every effort is made to keep to all published itineraries, we reserve the right to make changes for your convenience. In some cases, weather conditions can necessitate an alteration in the event itinerary and this does not constitute any reason for refund. No refund for unused services will be considered. Victoria Falls Marathon Club reserve the right to correct printing errors or omissions at any time, unaffected portions will continue to remain valid.
Victoria Falls Marathon Club is responsible for arranging and providing the services during the marathon.
Wild Frontiers is responsible for tour packages purchased via their terms and conditions.
Victoria Falls Marathon Club and the customer expressly agree that the laws of Zimbabwe shall govern this agreement and any claim made.
Entrants and participants [‘Participants’] in the Victoria Falls Marathon [‘the Event’], Half Marathon, 7.5km Fun Run acknowledge that although all precautions have been taken by the organising body (The Victoria Falls Marathon Club) to ensure the safety of all participants, there may be dangers inherent in participation in the Event and activities related thereto.
Participants voluntarily assume the risks of attendance at and participation in the Event and hereby waive all claims of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising in relation to the Event or otherwise against any parties, including but not limited to the organising body, the sponsors, the advertisers, any local authority and/or the directors, employees, suppliers and assistants of these parties, including any individual, official, marshal or agent (“the Parties”).
Participants hereby irrevocably indemnify and hold harmless the Parties against any liability and claims of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising (whether directly or indirectly caused and whether arising from negligence, albeit gross, or from the participation or involvement in or passage to or from the Event or otherwise) including but not limited to liability for delay, inconvenience, accident, death, injury, illness to their person, or loss or damage to property or costs and expenses sustained, incurred or put to by Participants and/or by any minor children under the care or control of Participants.
Parents or guardians authorising a minor’s participation in the Event, which shall prima facie be evidenced by their signature on entry forms, thereby consent to such minor being bound to the aforegoing and further indemnify the Parties to the extent, if any, to which such minor is not capable of waiving his/her rights as stipulated above.
Participant confirms that they are competent and / or authorized to sign registration forms and agree to the terms and conditions hereto. They further give permission for the free use of their name, voice or picture [still or moving] to be used in any broadcast, telecast, advertising, promotion or any other form of advertising of this and future events.